What I Learned About Life By Raising Alpacas

Preparing for Raggz Fiber Affair - Laurel Highlands Alpacas | AlpacaMom.com

Preparing for Raggz Fiber Affair

"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day."Shira Tamir October 20, 2022Everything looks golden this morning. As I looked out the window,...

Preparing for Raggz Fiber Affair

"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day."Shira Tamir October 20, 2022Everything looks golden this morning. As I looked out the window,...

February 23, 2022 Wednesday More Snow on the Wa...

“What do construction workers do at parties? They raise the roof.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day Calendar Another windy, rainy start to the day and I heard that there is a winter storm...

February 23, 2022 Wednesday More Snow on the Wa...

“What do construction workers do at parties? They raise the roof.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day Calendar Another windy, rainy start to the day and I heard that there is a winter storm...

February 24, 2022 Thursday: Brace Yourselves, I...

“Astronauts use Linux because they can’t open Windows in space.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar The pun was from a few days ago, but thank goodness for our space program. We have...

February 24, 2022 Thursday: Brace Yourselves, I...

“Astronauts use Linux because they can’t open Windows in space.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar The pun was from a few days ago, but thank goodness for our space program. We have...

February 25, 2022, Friday: An Icy Start

“What do you call kids that love to spend time on the ice? Chill-dren.” Anonymous pun The wintry mix arrived and along with it came our complete loss of power...

February 25, 2022, Friday: An Icy Start

“What do you call kids that love to spend time on the ice? Chill-dren.” Anonymous pun The wintry mix arrived and along with it came our complete loss of power...

February 28, 2022 Monday-Let’s Get Ready For th...

“What was Forrest Gump’s email password? 1forrest1” Parade.com I decided to take a break today from sharing any opinions with you. You probably attend your own form of worship and...

February 28, 2022 Monday-Let’s Get Ready For th...

“What was Forrest Gump’s email password? 1forrest1” Parade.com I decided to take a break today from sharing any opinions with you. You probably attend your own form of worship and...

February 27, 2022 Sunday: What’s Your Favorite ...

“My favorite movie without a doubt is Mrs. Fire.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar Today my plan is to get out of the house a bit. Yesterday, I got a few things...

February 27, 2022 Sunday: What’s Your Favorite ...

“My favorite movie without a doubt is Mrs. Fire.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar Today my plan is to get out of the house a bit. Yesterday, I got a few things...