What I Learned About Life By Raising Alpacas

February 26, 2022 Saturday: What Would You Do W...

“Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar We have power and the ice is gone and now it’s snowing. The...

February 26, 2022 Saturday: What Would You Do W...

“Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar We have power and the ice is gone and now it’s snowing. The...

March 1, 2022 Tuesday: A New Month and Fiber Show Prep. - Laurel Highlands Alpacas | AlpacaMom.com

March 1, 2022 Tuesday: A New Month and Fiber Sh...

“I became hooked on auctions after only going once…going twice…” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar I haven’t been to an auction for a long time. I think the last one was when...

March 1, 2022 Tuesday: A New Month and Fiber Sh...

“I became hooked on auctions after only going once…going twice…” Jay’s Pun-A-Day calendar I haven’t been to an auction for a long time. I think the last one was when...